Reading analog voltage from slow inputs + graph + gain and offset

In this example we will modify our oscilloscope made in Reading analog voltage from slow inputs example. We will add gain and offset settings to present how some parameters set in UI can be then applied on the signal in the backend. Web UI

In index.html we need to add gain and offset blocks. Without gain some measurements may be very low and offset can set minimal voltage.

<div id='gain_setup'>
    < div>Gain: </div>
    <input id='gain_set' type="range" size="2" value="1" min = "1" max = "100">


<input id='offset_set' type="range" size="2" value="0" min = "0" max = "5" step="0.1">

In app.js we should set gain and offset by APP.setGain and APP.setOffset and send them to server.

They will be used by controller.

APP.gain = $('#gain_set').val();

var local = {};
local['GAIN'] = { value: APP.gain };
APP.ws.send(JSON.stringify({ parameters: local }));


APP.offset = $('#offset_set').val();

var local = {};
local['OFFSET'] = { value: APP.offset };
APP.ws.send(JSON.stringify({ parameters: local }));

$('#offset_value').text(APP.offset); Controller

In main.cpp we need new parameters.


CIntParameter GAIN("GAIN", CBaseParameter::RW, 1, 0, 1, 100);

Its’ min value is 1 and max is 100. By default it is 1.


CFloatParameter OFFSET("OFFSET", CBaseParameter::RW, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 5.0);

Its’ min value is 0.0 and max is 5.0. By default it is 0.0.

They will be updated in OnNewParams() function:


We should modify writing to signal in UpdateSignals().

Value needed to be multiplied by gain and add offset.

for(int i = 0; i < SIGNAL_SIZE_DEFAULT; i++)
    VOLTAGE[i] = g_data[i] * GAIN.Value() + OFFSET.Value();