Build Red Pitaya ecosystem
Go to the Red Pitaya (git) directory.
variable.echo $LC_ALL
If it returns an empty line, set it up by typing the following command into the terminal:
export LC_ALL=C
This line can also be added to the end of .bashrc and will automatically set the $LC_ALL
variable each time the
the terminal is started.
It is not possible to build an ecosystem on an encrypted home directory since schroot can not access that
directory. We recommend that you make a separate directory in the home directory that is not encrypted e.g.
/home/ecosystem_build Red Pitaya ecosystem and applications
Here you will find the sources of various software components of the Red Pitaya system. The components are mainly contained in dedicated directories, however, due to the nature of the Xilinx SoC “All Programmable” paradigm and the way several components are interrelated, some components might be spread across many directories or found at different places one would expect.
directories |
contents |
rp-api |
API source code for |
apps-free |
WEB application for the old environment (also with controller modules & GUI clients) |
apps-tools |
WEB interface home page and some system management applications |
Bazaar |
Nginx server with dependencies, Bazaar module & application controller module loader |
fpga |
FPGA design (RTL, bench, simulation, and synthesis scripts) SystemVerilog based for newer applications |
OS |
GNU/Linux operating system components |
patches |
Directory containing patches |
scpi-server |
SCPI server |
Test |
Command line utilities (acquire, generate, …), tests |
Examples |
Examples in different programming languages for working with peripherals |
build_scripts |
Scripts for building an ecosystem and preparing an image for writing to a memory card | Supported platforms
Red Pitaya is developed on Linux (64-bit Ubuntu 18.04), so Linux is also the only platform we support.
Ecosystem version 2.0 or higher requires Ubuntu version 22.04 Software requirements
You will need the following to build the Red Pitaya components:
Various development packages.
# generic dependencies sudo apt-get install make curl xz-utils # U-Boot build dependencies sudo apt-get install libssl-dev device-tree-compiler u-boot-tools # secure chroot sudo apt-get install schroot # QEMU sudo apt-get install qemu qemu-user qemu-user-static #32-bit libraries sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 libbz2-1.0:i386 lib32stdc++6
Meson Build system (depends on Python 3) is used for some new code. It is not required but can be used during development on an x86 PC.
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip sudo pip3 install meson sudo apt-get install ninja-build
Xilinx Vivado 2020.1 FPGA development tools. The SDK (bare metal toolchain) must also be installed, be careful during the installation process to select it. Preferably use the default install location.
If you want to run Vivado from a virtual machine and Vivado is installed on a host shared folder, then we suggest you use VirtualBox since VMware has a bug in VMware-tools for Ubuntu guests and can not mount vmhgfs shared file system type.
Then install Ubuntu 18.04 in VirtualBox (NOTE: don’t use encrypt installation, since it blocks some Red Pitaya build procedures).
After successfully installation, change the settings for Ubuntu virtual machine. Go to the Shared Folders menu and choose the Xilinx installation directory on the host machine (by default is under /opt/ directory). And choose the Auto-mount option (checkbox).
Then you must install (on Ubuntu guest) a package dkms.
$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox.guest-dkms
After rebooting Ubuntu guest, you can access (with superuser/root privileges) Xilinx shared folder under /media/sf_Xilinx subdirectory.
Now you can manage this system to meet your requirements.
Ecosystem version 2.0 requires Vivado version 2020.1 and SDK 2019.1
pathVivado requires a
executable that does not exist on Ubuntu. It is necessary to create a symbolic link to the regularmake
executable.$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake Build process
To implement the build process, at least 8 GB of available space on the PC’s local machine is required.
1. Go to your preferred development directory and clone the Red Pitaya repository from GitHub. The choice of specific branches or tags is up to the user.
git clone https://github.com/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.git
cd RedPitaya
You can run a script that builds the ecosystem from the build_scripts folder.
To build an ecosystem for boards 125-14:
cd ./RedPitaya/build_scripts
sudo ./build_Z10.sh
To build an ecosystem for board 125-14 (Z7020):
cd ./RedPitaya/build_scripts
sudo ./build_Z20_125.sh
To build an ecosystem for board 125-14 4-Input (Z7020):
cd ./RedPitaya/build_scripts
sudo ./build_Z20_4CH.sh
To build an ecosystem for boards 122-16:
cd ./RedPitaya/build_scripts
sudo ./build_Z20.sh
To build an ecosystem for board 250-12:
cd ./RedPitaya/build_scripts
sudo ./build_Z250_12.sh
or follow the steps of the instructions and build yourself
2. An example script settings.sh
is provided for setting all necessary environment variables.
The script assumes some default tool install paths, so it might need editing if install paths other than the ones described above were used.
3. Prepare a download cache for various source tarballs.
This is an optional step that will speed up the build process by avoiding downloads for all but the first build.
There is a default cache path defined in the settings.sh
script, you can edit it and avoid a rebuild the next time.
mkdir -p dl
export DL=$PWD/dl
4. Download the ARM Ubuntu root environment (usually the latest) from Red Pitaya download servers.
You can also create your root environment following the instructions in OS image build instructions.
Correct file permissions are required for schroot
to work properly.
wget https://downloads.redpitaya.com/downloads/LinuxOS/redpitaya_ubuntu_04-oct-2021.tar.gz
sudo chown root:root redpitaya_ubuntu_04-oct-2021.tar.gz
sudo chmod 664 redpitaya_ubuntu_04-oct-2021.tar.gz
5. Create schroot configuration file /etc/schroot/chroot.d/red-pitaya-ubuntu.conf
Replace the tarball path stub with the absolute path of the previously downloaded image.
Replace user names with a comma-separated list of users who should be able to compile Red Pitaya.
description=Red Pitaya Debian/Ubuntu OS image
Example of configuration file:
description= Red pitaya
6. To build everything a few make
steps are required.
make -f Makefile.x86
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make -f Makefile.x86 zip
7. If you want to build for 122-16 based on Z7020 Xilinx, you must pass parameter FPGA MODEL=Z20 in the makefile This parameter defines how to create projects and should be transferred to all makefiles.
make -f Makefile.x86 MODEL=Z20
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make MODEL=Z20
make -f Makefile.x86 zip MODEL=Z20
8. If you want to build for 125-14 4-Input based on Z7020 Xilinx, you must pass parameter FPGA MODEL=Z20_125_4CH in makefile This parameter defines how to create projects and should be transferred to all makefiles.
make -f Makefile.x86 MODEL=Z20_125_4CH
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make MODEL=Z20_125_4CH
make -f Makefile.x86 zip MODEL=Z20_125_4CH
9. If you want to build for 250-12 based on Z7020 Xilinx, you must pass parameter FPGA MODEL=Z20_250_12 in the makefile This parameter defines how to create projects and should be transferred to all makefiles.
make -f Makefile.x86 MODEL=Z20_250_12
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make MODEL=Z20_250_12
make -f Makefile.x86 zip MODEL=Z20_250_12
To get an interactive ARM shell do.
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu
1. Go to your preferred development directory and clone the Red Pitaya repository from GitHub. The choice of specific branches or tags is up to the user.
git clone https://github.com/RedPitaya/RedPitaya.git
cd RedPitaya
You can run a script that builds the ecosystem from the build_scripts folder.
To build an ecosystem for all boards:
cd ./RedPitaya/build_scripts
sudo ./build_OS.sh
or follow the steps of the instructions and build yourself
2. An example script settings.sh
is provided for setting all necessary environment variables.
The script assumes some default tool install paths, so it might need editing if install paths other than the ones described above were used.
3. Prepare a download cache for various source tarballs.
This is an optional step that will speed up the build process by avoiding downloads for all but the first build.
There is a default cache path defined in the settings.sh
script, you can edit it and avoid a rebuild the next time.
mkdir -p dl
export DL=$PWD/dl
4. Download the ARM Ubuntu root environment (usually the latest) from Red Pitaya download servers.
You can also create your root environment following the instructions in OS image build instructions.
Correct file permissions are required for schroot
to work properly.
wget https://downloads.redpitaya.com/downloads/LinuxOS/redpitaya_OS_16-03-48_03-Nov-2022.tar.gz
sudo chown root:root redpitaya_OS_16-03-48_03-Nov-2022.tar.gz
sudo chmod 664 redpitaya_OS_16-03-48_03-Nov-2022.tar.gz
5. Create schroot configuration file /etc/schroot/chroot.d/red-pitaya-ubuntu.conf
Replace the tarball path stub with the absolute path of the previously downloaded image.
Replace user names with a comma-separated list of users who should be able to compile Red Pitaya.
description=Red Pitaya Debian/Ubuntu OS image
Example of configuration file:
description= Red pitaya
6. To build everything a few make
steps are required.
make -f Makefile.x86
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make -f Makefile.x86 zip
To get an interactive ARM shell do.
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu
Ecosystem Build 2.0 cannot build for a specific board model as it was in version 1.04. Differences only in the assembly of FPGA for specific models. Partial rebuild process
The next components can be built separately. By default, the project is built for RedPitaya 125-14 (Z7010), if necessary build for the (RedPitaya 122-16) Z7020, use the parameter MODEL=Z20 and parameter MODEL=Z20_250_12 for RedPitaya (250-12) Z7020.
FPGA + device tree
Linux kernel
Debian/Ubuntu OS
SCPI server
free applications
Base system
Here the base system represents everything before Linux user space.
To be able to compile FPGA and cross-compile base system software, it is necessary to set up the Vivado FPGA tools and ARM SDK.
$ . settings.sh
On some systems (including Ubuntu 18.04) the library setup provided by Vivado conflicts with default system libraries. To avoid this, disable library overrides specified by Vivado.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
Once an ecosystem is built, it can be packaged into an archive for ease of use.
$ make -f Makefile.x86 zip
*FPGA and device tree sources*
$ make -f Makefile.x86 fpga
Detailed instructions are provided for building the FPGA including some device tree details.
Device Tree compiler + overlay patches
Download the Device Tree compiler with overlay patches from Pantelis Antoniou.
Compile and install it.
Otherwise, a binary is available in tools/dtc
$ sudo apt-get install flex bison
$ git clone git@github.com:pantoniou/dtc.git
$ cd dtc
$ git checkout overlays
$ make
$ sudo make install PREFIX=/usr
To build the U-Boot binary and boot scripts (used to select between booting into Buildroot or Debian/Ubuntu):
make -f Makefile.x86 u-boot
The build process downloads the Xilinx version of U-Boot sources from Github, applies patches, and starts the build process.
Patches are available in the patches/
*Linux kernel and device tree binaries*
To build a Linux image:
make -f Makefile.x86 linux
make -f Makefile.x86 linux-install
make -f Makefile.x86 devicetree
make -f Makefile.x86 devicetree-install
The build process downloads the Xilinx version of Linux sources from Github, applies patches, and starts the build process.
Patches are available in the patches/
*Boot file*
The created boot file contains FSBL, FPGA bitstream, and U-Boot binary.
make -f Makefile.x86 boot
The next components can be built separately.
FPGA + overlays
Linux kernel
SCPI server
Console tools and web app
Base system
Here the base system represents everything before Linux user space.
To be able to compile FPGA and cross-compile base system software, it is necessary to set up the Vivado FPGA tools and ARM SDK.
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export ARCH=arm
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/gnu/aarch32/lin/gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi/bin/
Once an ecosystem is built, it can be packaged into an archive for ease of use.
$ make -f Makefile.x86 zip
*FPGA and overlays*
Each FPGA version uses its overlay with the devices necessary to work with FPGA. Previously, the device tree was fixed for a specific FPGA version and board.
For each board, you need to call the assembly with the board version parameters. But to speed up the build, you can skip the unnecessary version.
make -f Makefile.x86 fpga MODEL=Z10
make -f Makefile.x86 fpga MODEL=Z20
make -f Makefile.x86 fpga MODEL=Z20_125
make -f Makefile.x86 fpga MODEL=Z20_125_4CH
make -f Makefile.x86 fpga MODEL=Z20_250_12
Detailed instructions are provided for building the FPGA
To build the U-Boot binary and boot scripts:
make -f Makefile.x86 boot
The build process downloads the Xilinx version of U-Boot sources from Github, applies patches, and starts the build process.
Patches are available in the patches/
The script builds two versions of boot.bin files. One version is for boards with 512 MB RAM, the second version is for boards with 1 GB of RAM. There are also two versions of the Linux kernel boot scripts.
The device tree for uboot
is built using prepared files located in the dts_uboot folder. The device tree defines the minimum requirements for peripherals in order for the board to start.
*Linux kernel and device tree binaries*
To build a Linux image:
make -f Makefile.x86 linux
make -f Makefile.x86 devicetree
The build process downloads the Xilinx version of Linux sources from Github, applies patches, and starts the build process.
Patches are available in the patches/
To build device trees, you must first build the necessary FPGA projects for the required boards. Since dtb and dts files are built based on FPGA barebone projects.
*API + SCPI server + Web Applications*
You can build separately each of the projects. The build requires a Linux image, see Build process. Use cases are shown below.:
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make api
make nginx
make scpi
make sdr
make bode
make monitor
make generator
make acquire
make calib
make daisy_tool
make spectrum
make led_control
make ecosystem
make updater
make main_menu
make scpi_manager
make streaming_manager
make calib_app
make network_manager
make jupyter_manager
Possible options for individual assemblies are listed. Some of them depend on each other. You can build everything at once if you start the build with make all. Linux user space Debian/Ubuntu OS
Debian/Ubuntu OS instructions are detailed elsewhere. API
To compile the API run:
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make api
The output of this process is the Red Pitaya librp.so
library in api/lib
The header file for the API is redpitaya/rp.h
and can be found in api/includes
You can install it on Red Pitaya by copying it there:
scp build/api/lib/*.so root@ SCPI server
Scpi server README can be found here
To compile the server run:
schroot -c red-pitaya-ubuntu <<- EOL_CHROOT
make scpi
The compiled executable is scpi-server/scpi-server
You can install it on Red Pitaya by copying it there:
scp scpi-server/scpi-server root@
To build the scpi server for RP, a special version of scpi-parser is used. It added and optimized some functions.