4.2.4. Known software issues

In this section is a list of known software issues with the Red Pitaya platforms on 2.00 OS. These issues will be fixed with the next major software updates. Streaming application EOL error

The Streaming desktop application and command line client are not working on beta OS version 2.05-37. Red Pitaya unit reports an EOL error within two minuts of starting the desktop application. This also affects the command line client, where specifying the stream time (-t) parameter will cause the same error.

This issue is fixed in the latest Nightly Build OS versions. We will fix this issue for the 2.05-37 stable release.

Please use the 2.04-35 OS version for the streaming application until the issue is resolved. Direct connection on MAC

If a MAC computer will not connect to the Red Pitaya, it is possible that Content and Privacy Settings are blocking websockets. After updating the settings you will need to log out and log in again. It may be necessary to completely disable Content and privacy settings.

../../../_images/MAC_content_privacy2.png Wi-Fi Low Signal Bug

The Wi-Fi dongles, when connected to the Red Pitaya board (all board models), show incorrect signal levels for some Wi-Fi networks (0 out of 5 bars). When connected to a laptop, the same Wi-Fi dongles work and show correct levels.

This issue will be resolved in a future OS version by updating the Linux kernel driver to 6.3. Fixed Local network visibility

Fixed on OS versions 2.05-37 and higher

Red Pitaya does not appear in the ARP table at boot time (when using the “arp -a” command). It is still pingable and appears in the ARP table when a connection is made to the rp-xxxxxx.local address. STEMlab 125-10 Out-of-Memory

Fixed on Nightly Build versions 447 or higher together with Linux 2.06

STEMlab 125-10 has 256 MB (2 Gb) of RAM, which is half the resources of STEMlab 125-14 (512 MB (4 Gb)). With the revision of the applications in the 2.00 OS, the applications require more RAM resources than before, which overloads the resources of STEMlab 125-10 (causes the Logic Analyzer application to crash on startup with an out-of-memory error from NGINX).


Please note that STEMlab 125-10 will soon reach end-of-life for software support (exact date to be determined). All users will be notified in advance. Before this happens, we will provide a final OS version where all applications will work.

For previous OS versions, please follow the instructions below:

Currently, the fastest solution is to add a SWAP space to the Red Pitaya’s SD card (about 1 GB should be sufficient). Here are instructions on how to add a SWAP file to Ubuntu OS

It may be necessary to increase the size of the Red Pitaya OS partition on the SD card:

  • Create a copy of the Red Pitaya OS on the SD card (e.g. using the dd command).

  • Resize the OS partition on the SD card using a tool like parted.

  • Add SWAP space

For more information on SWAP, see the link above.