STEMlab 125-14 Z7020-LN
The STEMlab 125-14-Z7020-LN is a standard STEMlab 125-14 board that:
comes with Zynq 7020 (rather than of 7010), which features 3 times more FPGA logic and more digital IOs on the E2 connector (for more information, see the board schematics).
has populated additional linear analog power for analog power supplies to reduce RF inputs and outputs noise and consequently increase ENOB. To find out more about the performance of STEMlab 125-14 with DC analog power supplies, refer to Leonhard Neuhaus’s blog, Red Pitaya DAC performance. Technical specifications
Basic |
Processor |
Dual core ARM Cortex-A9 |
FPGA Xilinx Zynq 7020 SoC |
512 MB (4 Gb) |
System memory |
Micro SD up to 32 GB |
Console connector |
Micro USB |
Power connector |
Micro USB |
Power consumption |
5 V, 2 A max |
Connectivity |
Ethernet |
1 Gbit |
USB-A 2.0 |
Wi-Fi |
requires Wi-Fi dongle |
RF inputs |
RF input channels |
2 |
Sample rate |
125 MS/s |
ADC resolution |
14 bit |
Input impedance |
1 MΩ / 10 pF |
Full scale voltage range |
±1 V (LV) and ±20 V (HV) |
Input coupling |
DC |
Absolute max.
Input voltage
LV ±6 V
HV ±30 V
Input ESD protection |
Yes |
Overload protection |
Protection diodes |
Bandwidth |
DC - 60 MHz |
Connector type |
RF outputs |
RF output channels |
2 |
Sample rate |
125 MS/s |
DAC resolution |
14 bit |
Load impedance |
50 Ω |
Voltage range |
±1 V |
Short circuit protection |
Yes |
Output slew rate |
2 V / 10 ns |
Bandwidth |
DC - 50 MHz |
Connector type |
Extension connector |
Digital IOs |
22 |
Digital voltage levels |
3.3 V |
Analog inputs |
4 |
Analog input voltage range |
0 - 3.5 V |
Analog input resolution |
12 bit |
Analog input sample rate |
100 kS/s |
Analog outputs |
4 |
Analog output voltage range |
0 - 1.8 V |
Analog output resolution |
8 bit |
Analog output sample rate |
≲ 3.2 MS/s |
Analog output bandwidth |
≈ 160 kHz |
Communication interfaces |
Available voltages |
+5 V, +3V3, -4 V |
External ADC clock |
Ext. clock models only |
Synchronisation |
External trigger input |
E1 connector (DIO0_P) |
External trigger input impedance |
Hi-Z (digital input) |
Trigger output 1 |
E1 connector (DIO0_N) |
Daisy chain connection |
SATA connectors |
Ref. clock input |
N/A |
Boot options |
SD card |
Yes |
Not populated |
eMMC |
N/A |
For more information, please refer to the Product comparison table. Schematics
FULL HW schematics for the Red Pitaya board are not available. Red Pitaya has open-source code but not open hardware schematics. Nonetheless, DEVELOPMENT schematics are available. This schematic will give you information about HW configuration, FPGA pin connections, and similar. Mechanical Specifications and 3D Models
For all other specifications please refer to the standard STEMlab 125-14 specs. Extension connector STEMlab 125-14 Z7020-LN
Connector: 2 x 26 pins IDC (M)
- Power supply:
Available voltages: +5 V, +3.3 V, -4.2 V
Current limitations: 500 mA for +5 V and +3.3 V (to be shared between extension module and USB devices), 50 mA for -4.2 V supply. Extension connector E1
3V3 power source
22 single ended or 8 differential digital I/Os with 3.3 V logic levels
2 CAN busses
Pin |
Description |
FPGA pin number |
FPGA pin description |
Voltage levels |
1 |
3V3 |
2 |
3V3 |
3 |
G17 |
IO_L16P_T2_35 |
3.3V |
4 |
DIO0_N |
G18 |
IO_L16N_T2_35 |
3.3V |
5 |
DIO1_P |
H16 |
IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_35 |
3.3V |
6 |
DIO1_N |
H17 |
IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_35 |
3.3V |
7 |
DIO2_P |
J18 |
IO_L14P_T2_AD4P_SRCC_35 |
3.3V |
8 |
DIO2_N |
H18 |
IO_L14N_T2_AD4N_SRCC_35 |
3.3V |
9 |
DIO3_P |
K17 |
IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_35 |
3.3V |
10 |
DIO3_N |
K18 |
IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_35 |
3.3V |
11 |
DIO4_P |
L14 |
IO_L22P_T3_AD7P_35 |
3.3V |
12 |
DIO4_N |
L15 |
IO_L22N_T3_AD7N_35 |
3.3V |
13 |
DIO5_P |
L16 |
IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_35 |
3.3V |
14 |
DIO5_N |
L17 |
IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_35 |
3.3V |
15 |
DIO6_P / CAN1_RX |
K16 |
IO_L24P_T3_AD15P_35 |
3.3V |
16 |
DIO6_N / CAN1_TX |
J16 |
IO_L24N_T3_AD15N_35 |
3.3V |
17 |
DIO7_P / CAN0_RX |
M14 |
IO_L23P_T3_35 |
3.3V |
18 |
DIO7_N / CAN0_TX |
M15 |
IO_L23N_T3_35 |
3.3V |
19 |
DIO8_P |
Y9 |
IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_13 |
3.3V |
20 |
DIO8_N |
Y8 |
IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_13 |
3.3V |
21 |
DIO9_P |
Y12 |
IO_L20P_T3_13 |
3.3V |
22 |
DIO9_N |
Y13 |
IO_L20N_T3_13 |
3.3V |
23 |
DIO10_P |
Y7 |
IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_13 |
3.3V |
24 |
DIO10_N |
Y6 |
IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_13 |
3.3V |
25 |
26 |
To switch the functionality of DIO6_P, DIO6_N, DIO7_P and DIO7_N from GPIO to CAN, please change the Housekeeping register value at address 0x34. For more information, please reffer to the FPGA register section (this feature is currently under development).
- All DIOx_y pins are LVCMOS33, with the following abs. max. ratings:
min. -0.40 V
max. 3.3 V + 0.55 V
<8 mA drive strength Extension connector E2
+5 V, -3V4 power sources
4 slow ADCs
4 slow DACs
Ext. clock for fast ADC
Pin |
Description |
FPGA pin number |
FPGA pin description |
Voltage levels |
1 |
+5V |
2 |
-3V4 |
3 |
E9 |
PS_MIO10_500 |
3.3 V |
4 |
C6 |
PS_MIO11_500 |
3.3 V |
5 |
D9 |
PS_MIO12_500 |
3.3 V |
6 |
SPI (CS) |
E8 |
PS_MIO13_500 |
3.3 V |
7 |
D5 |
PS_MIO8_500 |
3.3 V |
8 |
B5 |
PS_MIO9_500 |
3.3 V |
9 |
I2C (SCL) |
B9 |
PS_MIO50_501 |
3.3 V |
10 |
I2C (SDA) |
B13 |
PS_MIO51_501 |
3.3 V |
11 |
Ext com.mode |
GND (default) |
12 |
13 |
Analog Input 0 |
B19, A20 |
IO_L2P_T0_AD8P_35, IO_L2N_T0_AD8N_35 |
0-3.5 V |
14 |
Analog Input 1 |
C20, B20 |
IO_L1P_T0_AD0P_35, IO_L1N_T0_AD0N_35 |
0-3.5 V |
15 |
Analog Input 2 |
E17, D18 |
IO_L3P_T0_DQS_AD1P_35, IO_L3N_T0_DQS_AD1N_35 |
0-3.5 V |
16 |
Analog Input 3 |
E18, E19 |
IO_L5P_T0_AD9P_35, IO_L5N_T0_AD9N_35 |
0-3.5 V |
17 |
Analog Output 0 |
T10 |
IO_L1N_T0_34 |
0-1.8 V |
18 |
Analog Output 1 |
T11 |
IO_L1P_T0_34 |
0-1.8 V |
19 |
Analog Output 2 |
P15 |
IO_L24P_T3_34 |
0-1.8 V |
20 |
Analog Output 3 |
U13 |
0-1.8 V |
21 |
22 |
23 |
Ext Adc CLK+ |
24 |
Ext Adc CLK- |
25 |
26 |
UART TX (PS_MIO08) is an output only. It must be connected to GND or left floating at power-up (no external pull-ups)! Other specifications
For all other specifications please refer to the common hardware specifications.